CCTV Service
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The Committee gave consideration to a report presented by the Head of Paid Service in relation to providing 24/7 monitoring within the CCTV service. It was explained that the 24/7 monitoring would be a part of a package of measures, working with local businesses and police, aiming for the prevention of crime.
Members were, on the whole, supportive of the proposals, detailing specific issues they have experienced in their wards. There were questions raised as to how effective CCTV was, both in the prevention of crime and in identifying perpetrators, in answer to which examples of recent cases were provided.
A Member of the Committee noted his objections to the proposals, stating he felt it too costly with insufficient evidence of success in the aims of prevention. Suggestions were made regarding working with other agencies in order to prevent young people becoming involved in antisocial and criminal behaviour, to which it was confirmed there was such work undertaken across the district.
There was discussion regarding recruitment to the role of CCTV Operator, with Members noting the current national circumstances, whereby there were more jobs available than applicants. This was recognised however it was hoped that recruitment would be underway as a priority, should funding be agreed.
With regard to how CCTV could be used in alternative situations, it was requested that consideration be given to the use of CCTV in the prevention of fly-tipping, and identification of those responsible. It was noted that this would be raised with Enforcement Officers in conjunction with the CCTV Service.
On being moved and seconded, the Chairman took the vote and it was
RESOLVED that up to £80,000 be approved to deliver 24/7 monitoring within the CCTV Service for a 12 month pilot.
Note: Councillor J. McNeill requested that his vote against the proposal be recorded.
Note: Councillor M. Snee left the meeting at 8.30pm