Issue - meetings

Meeting: 11/04/2019 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 114)

114 Recording of telephone calls pdf icon PDF 667 KB

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The Committee were asked to consider a report detailing the updated policy for the recording of telephone calls. It was introduced by the Strategic Lead for Governance and People who explained that the report came via the Joint Staff Consultative Committee (JSCC) and there had been no concerns raised by the staff or union representatives. The Committee heard that this was an existing policy but had required updating due to changing processes, such as telephone payments, as well as the requirements of GDPR.


Councillor D. Cotton, as Chairman of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee, reiterated that there had been no issues raised during discussions at the recent meeting and that the policy was as much about protecting and supporting Council staff as it was for the customer. It was a useful tool for dispute resolution and staff training and he moved the recommendations in the report.


The Vice Chairman supported the paper and felt it was a pragmatic approach to keep the policy under review and ensure the Council was compliant at all time. He seconded the recommendations.


There was discussion amongst Committee Members as to the purpose of recording internal calls and whether this was a form of surveillance on staff. Members were assured by both the Strategic Lead and Chairman of JSCC that the recording of internal calls was primarily for a training and development need, for example to demonstrate best practice for telephone call handovers, and internal calls would not be routinely listened to. It was also emphasised that any requests for recorded calls would be logged and there was a specific process in place for requesting such recordings. It was also clarified that the system was only being used in those teams with high call rates, such as the Revenues and Housing Benefits teams.


            RESOLVED that:


1)    Members approve the amended policy for formal adoption; and


2)    Delegated authority be granted to the Director of Resources to make minor housekeeping amendments to the policy in future, in consultation with the chairman of the Corporate Policy & Resources committee and chairman of JSCC.