Issue - meetings

Meeting: 14/01/2020 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 39)

39 Draft Internal Audit Quarter 3 Progress Report 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 120 KB

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Members considered a report giving an update on progress by the Audit partner against the 2019/20 annual programmes agreed by the Governance and Audit Committee in March 2019.


Assurance Lincolnshire, the Internal Auditors outlined their report, highlighting the following points:


·         Financial resilience had received high assurance; this was a key control.  This area had become more prominent following the issues that Northamptonshire County Council had experienced.  This area will continue to be monitored;


·         CIPFA had updated their financial management code for UK local authorities; this was designed to support good practice in financial management;


·         There were three reports at the draft stage of an audit; these would all be large pieces of work:

o   Vulnerable Communities;

o   ICT – Members’ Devices;

o   Corporate Plan and Golden Thread.


·         66% of the yearly plan had been completed at this stage.  All of the work in the plan had been started, aside from two audits which would be taken at quarter 4 of the year;


·         There were no outstanding actions from the previous quarter.


RESOLVED to note the update.