16 Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme PDF 486 KB
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Members gave consideration to a report which aimed to give Members a comprehensive knowledge of the scheme, its progress to-date and sought agreement for West Lindsey District Council to participate.
In response to Members’ questions Officers confirmed any funding allocated from the Home Office could only be used to re-house families identified through the scheme. The process for selecting families and the background checks undertaken by the Home Office were explained to the Committee. Officers further confirmed that the District Council would get a choice as to the size of the family located within District and this would be very much dependent on the accommodation the District Council offered up. Consideration would also be given to local accessible services.
Members noted that the report advised a further report would be submitted to Members in three years’ time. Members requested that they be updated on a more regular basis, and at least advised once any families had been re-located in the area.
Officers indicated they would look to include information in the October / December Members Bulletin, in the event that a family was located in the area. Members noted an agreement to participate in the Scheme did not necessarily mean a family would instantly be allocated. This would be dependent on a “suitable match” being identified.
Thanks were expressed to the Housing Team for the quality report.
RESOLVED that West Lindsey District Council participate in the Home Office Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme and agree to accommodate two households.