Issue - meetings

Meeting: 20/05/2019 - Council (Item 16)

16 Appointment of Sub-Committees, Boards and other Bodies (including outside bodies) pdf icon PDF 396 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman of the Council presented the report which sought to appoint Members to serve on numerous Sub-Committees, Working Groups and Outside Bodies.


The report also sought approval to suspend the rules relating to proportionality for the both the Standards Sub-Committee and the Appeals Board.


The Chairman advised that he wished to make an amendment to the report, namely Councillor Anne Welburn had been stated as the representative on the Local Crime Prevention Panel, when this should in fact read Councillor Judy Rainsforth.


The amendment was duly seconded and that basis it was


RESOLVED that: -


(a)    the Rules relating to proportionality be suspended for appointment to the Appeals Board;


(b)    the Rules relating to proportionality be suspended for appointment to the Standards Sub-Committee; and


(c)     the following appointments be confirmed: -


Joint Staff Consultative


Councillor Jackie Brockway

Councillor Jessie Milne

Councillor David Cotton

Councillor Matthew Boles

Councillor Lewis Strange (Reserve)

Councillor Owen Bierley (Reserve)

Councillor David Dobbie (Reserve)

Councillor Tim Davies (Reserve)


Appeals Board


Councillor Ian Fleetwood

Councillor Stuart Kinch

Councillor Caralyne Grimble

Councillor Angela White

Councillor Stephen Bunney

Councillor Diana Rodgers


Standards Sub-Committee


Councillor Anne Welburn

Councillor Lewis Strange

Councillor Roger Patterson

Councillor David Cotton

Councillor Mandy Snee

Councillor Diana Rodgers


Lincolnshire Show Task and Finish Group 2020


Chairman of Council

Councillor Giles McNeill

Councillor Angela Lawrence

Councillor Robert Waller

Councillor Lesley Rollings

Councillor Liz Clews

Councillor Angela White


Editorial Advisory Board


Councillor Tracey Coulson

Councillor David Dobbie

Councillor Chris Darcel

Councillor Mick Devine

Councillor Diana Rodgers


West Lindsey Community Awards Panel.


Chairman of Council

Councillor Robert Waller

Councillor David Cotton

Councillor Judy Rainsforth

Councillor Diana Rodgers


Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee.


Councillor Giles McNeill

Councillor Ian Fleetwood

Councillor David Cotton

Councillor Owen Bierley (Reserve)


Leisure, Culture, Events & TourismGroup


Councillor Owen Bierley

Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan

Councillor Anne Welburn

Councillor Stephen Bunney

Councillor Lesley Rollings

Councillor Tim Davies


Community Grants Panel


Councillor Owen Bierley

Councillor John McNeill

Councillor Anne Welburn

Councillor Judy Rainsforth

Councillor Liz Clews


Funding Consultative Panel


Councillor Owen Bierley

Councillor Stuart Kinch

Councillor Liz Clews

Councillor Mick Devine

Councillor Tom Regis (Reserve)

Councillor David Dobbie (Reserve)

Councillor Diana Rodgers (Reserve)


Crematorium Working Group


Councillor Giles McNeill

Councillor Mick Devine

Councillor Judy Rainsforth

Councillor Lewis Strange

Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan

Councillor David Cotton

Councillor Jessie Milne

Councillor Stuart Kinch

Councillor Liz Clews (reserve)


Scampton Local Plan and Infrastructure Group


Councillor Owen Bierley

Councillor Roger Patterson

Leader of the Council


Community Rights Panel


Councillor Anne Welburn

Councillor Mandy Snee

Councillor Tim Davies


Transport Working Group


Chairman of Prosperous Communities Committee

Councillor Jessie Milne

Councillor Robert Waller

Councillor John McNeill

Councillor Keith Panter

Councillor Lesley Rollings

Councillor Cherie Hill




Honours Panel should it be required


·         Chairman of the Council (replaced by a representative when a conflict of interest occurs) who will be the representative of their office and their political party


·         A Member from each of the other political parties;


·         An Independent Co-opted member of the Council (an existing member, chosen by the Monitoring Officer upon receipt  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16