Issue - meetings

Meeting: 13/06/2019 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 9)

Annual Review of Commercial Property Investment Portfolio

Additional documents:


Members considered an annual report of the commercial property investment portfolio.  The following points were highlighted:


·         This was the second annual report; 4 properties had been acquired in the year, making five in total costing £15.95 million;


·         A greater return had been made from the yield being in excess of the target;


·         It was good to see that the portfolio included properties within the District as well as other properties across the East Midlands;


·         Other purchases that had been worked on were not progressed if they were found to be unsuitable.  There were other times when WLDC had been outbid;


·         Some caution needs to be taken with the High Street and any potential purchases in this area;


·         The Economic Development Strategy was about investing back into the District;


·         Some authorities have invested large sums of money into commercial property; WLDC follows CIPFA recommendations. 


RESOLVED to note the report.