60 Maintenance Policy of Property & Physical Assets PDF 144 KB
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Members considered a report on a Maintenance Policy of Property and Physical Assets, which would provide the principle of actions to be adopted by WLDC with regards to maintenance of all of its physical assets.
The Team Manager for Property and Assets introduced the item, and raised the following points:
· There was a drive to improve the current system for looking after physical assets by introducing this policy. A ranking system could be introduced when looking at planned maintenance;
· The criticality of buildings was covered; whether there would be genuine reasons to spend money earlier on buildings, possibly due to health and safety compliance;
· There were industry standard general ratings within the report of 1-4, or A-D when looking at the condition of buildings. On 4 December there had been a five year pilot survey carried out by surveyors as part of a conditions survey they hope to have finished by the end of January 2020, looking at some of WLDC’s operational assets;
· WLDC had a good stock of physical assets, and would look to improve it where it could. This would be followed up with a utilisation policy.
RESOLVED to note the requirements of managing and maintaining public assets and approve the Maintenance Policy.