Issue - meetings

Meeting: 14/07/2020 - Prosperous Communities Committee (Item 15)

15 Progress of health related work pdf icon PDF 195 KB

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Members gave consideration to a report which provided the first annual update on progress of health related work within the authority, following it having been resolved at the Committee in January 2019 that Members would receive such an annual update report.  The contents of the report were summarised to Members.


Debate ensued and whilst Members considered a lot of work had been undertaken and the Health and Well-being Partnership undoubtedly had the capability to deliver and make a difference, some considered there was still a lot of work to be undertaken in promoting the services available, and ensuring residents knew how to access them.  


Councillor Young made reference to a number of questions he had submitted in advance of the meeting, all of which directly related to Appendix 1 of the report this being the 2018 - 2019 Annual Report of the Well-Being Lincs Partnership.  He outlined a few of these to Committee and considered access to this type of information would really assist elected members in undertaking their roles and assisting residents.


Officers thanked Councillor Young for his questions, and advised the Committee that responses were being sought from the Partnership.  Both the questions posed and responses received would be circulated to all Members of the Committee.  Furthermore, the Service Manager of the Partnership had indicated he would be more than willing to address the Committee at a future meeting, to update them further on the work of the Partnership over the 2019/2020 year and to-date.   Officers concurred with the comments around promotion and awareness raising and outlined some of the activities that were planned and of leaflets in production by the Communities Team.


Members also felt it was important, that in order to be able to better determine the true impact of the work more information around the actual outcomes and detailed data would be helpful in the future.


In response, Officers advised that work was on-going to develop appropriate Corporate Plan measures.  It was hoped measures developed would be able to demonstrate both the direct and in-direct benefits this work was having across the District. A report against corporate plan performance  measures was due to be presented to Members later in the year and would include such information around the Health agenda.


The Chairman confirmed future attendance by the Service Manager of the Partnership would be welcomed and Officers undertook to arrange this for a future meeting.




(a)     the ongoing work relating to health and well-being and the forward plan be approved;


(b)     a further update report be submitted to the Prosperous Communities Committee in one year’s time.