Issue - meetings

Meeting: 20/01/2020 - Council (Item 56)

56 To adopt the Spridlington NP pdf icon PDF 207 KB

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Members were asked to give consideration to a report to fully ‘make’ (adopt) the Spridlington Neighbourhood Plan (NP) following a successful referendum.


Councillor Caralyne Grimble, as Local Ward Member, introduced the report. She expressed thanks, to the Group for their hard work, and to the Officers for the support they had offered.


Representatives from Spridlington Neighbourhood Planning Group were in attendance and prior to Members debating the matter, the Chairman invited them to make a short address to Council and present their successful Neighbourhood Plan.


Mr Martin Marris, Chairman of Spridlington Parish Council addressed the meeting and made the following statement: -


“Chairman, Councillors,


Actioning an Neighbourhood Plan was first discussed at a meeting of the Parish Council on 11 October 2016.  Present at that meeting was District Councillor Steve England, who advised Members on what was involved.  He explained what grant monies were available, what support was out there including workshops to help with the detail and a list of expert consultants to guide us through the various stages of the Plan.


None of envisaged just how complicated and detailed it was to format a Neighbourhood Plan!


On 15 November that same year, we wrote to West Lindsey requesting they designate the area of Spridlington Parish for the proposed Neighbourhood Plan.  This was approved on 20 December.


The next stage was to form a Steering Group.  In addition to three members of the Parish Council, a further six members of the village joined up.


In all it took us a little over three years to get to the referendum stage.  This took place on 31 October 2019.  The turnout was an impressive 49.7% of the electorate of which 73.2% voted to approve the Plan.


Producing this Plan has been a real team effort.  I would like to thank the Core Members of the Steering Group, most of whom were heavily involved for the entire process.


Particular thanks to Group Leader, Mrs Deb Kealey who couldn’t be here this evening as she’s on a flight back from sunny climes and also Councillor David Clough who has turned up this evening on the day of his 75th Birthday.  A special thanks to Mr Ian Knowles for stepping in with help at a critical time.


Finally, with great pride, I’d like to present the Chairman with a copy of the Spridlington Neighbourhood Plan.  Thank you.”


Mr Marris then formally presented the Plan to the Chairman.


Members across the floor congratulated the Group on their remarkable achievement.


Following a round of applause, it was moved, seconded and duly


RESOLVED that the Spridlington Neighbourhood Plan be adopted and made.