Issue - meetings

Meeting: 16/06/2020 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 6)

6 Review of Member Development Programme pdf icon PDF 258 KB

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The Democratic and Civic Officer introduced the delayed report regarding Member Development. She explained that it had been due to be heard at the cancelled April meeting however, the restrictions introduced as a result of the global pandemic had meant that the proposals suggested in the report would not have been possible at that time. She explained the work of the Member Development Group had been focussed on two main strands of work, those being, the introduction of online development options and the introduction of a By-Election Induction Programme template. The purpose of the report was to seek agreement for the proposed online training platform along with the template for the induction process following a by-election.


Members of the Committee indicated support for both options, although it was questioned whether anything further could be done to encourage higher attendance rates. It was explained that, unless a session was mandatory, such as the committee specific sessions, there was little that could be done in terms of further encouragement or using penalties for those who chose not to attend. This would be the same with the online options. It was agreed that the use of online options would ensure flexibility for Councillors as well supporting time and financial efficiencies.


The Chairman explained to the Committee that he had tested the online platform and, as it had been designed for use by council officers, it could be seen as slightly clunky for Members to use. The Democratic and Civic Officer explained that she had held conversations with the Officer responsible for the council’s use of the platform and it had been confirmed that the opening page could be amended for Members meaning it would be easier access for them.


There was further discussion regarding the Planning specific development sessions which had been scheduled to take place during lockdown. Members were assured that these sessions would still be offered to Members and Parish Council representatives although it was not yet clear how they would run. There would be communications sent out once these were rearranged.


            RESOLVED that


a)    the introduction of online training, via Learning Pool, as an additional development tool for Councillors be approved; and


b)    the By-Election Induction Programme template be agreed.