Issue - meetings

Meeting: 17/06/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 10)

10 140545 - Plot 9, Land South of Eastgate, Scotton pdf icon PDF 62 KB

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Members gave consideration to the last application of the night, application number 140545 for approval of reserved matters for the erection of 1no. dwelling and detached garage with annex accommodation, considering appearance, landscaping, layout and scale- following outline permission 139520 granted 16 January 2020. The Development Management Officer stated there had been one further objection received, summarised as follows:

·         They questioned the use of extensions of time on the outline application and this reserved matters application and said that the application should have been refused immediately

·         Issues in relation to highways and access still outstanding

·         Policies from the neighbourhood plan had been cherry picked by the planning officers

·         Size of the dwellings being approved on the site were too large

·         Plot 9 should be a single storey dwelling

·         Impact on the residential amenity of no. 32-oveshadowing and scale

·         Loss of the view to grade 1 listed church


The Chairman noted there were four speakers registered for the application, with the first being a statement to be read out by the Democratic and Civic Officer.


Statement from Scotton Parish Council


“1. The Parish Council has sent in an objection to this application and wish that you please note these objections.


2. The Parish Council would like to inform you that the Scotton Neighbourhood Plan has been approved and therefore should be considered regarding this application. This application contravenes Policy 5 and 6 of the Plan. The size is over 2 to 3 times what is required for any development within Scotton. This is also contrary to Local Policy LP26 as it will adversely affect the amenities of other properties.


3. The Parish Council has concerns that the original percolation test for the plot has not been made public or any other tests.


4. The present road leading to this application is only wide enough for one vehicle. The delivery of materials and vehicles of the workmen will cause this road to be blocked for other traffic unless the road improvements are in place before any building work is allowed.


The Chairman thanked the Democratic and Civic Officer and invited the next speaker, Jessica McCague, Agent for the applicant, to address the Committee.


The Agent explained there were three main points she wished to make in response to objections raised against the application. Firstly, with regard to the scale of the house, she noted that there had been an objection raised which stated the proposal in the current application was 50% larger than the indicative house size on the original application. The Agent stated that this was not true. The footprint of the house on both applications was at 238m2 and therefore had not altered. The garage with one bedroom annex was larger than originally planned, however with a footprint increase from 81m2 to 134m2 this was an overall increase of only 16%. She stated that, in response to several requested amendments to the plan, they had complied with the requests accordingly, such as reducing the length  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10