Issue - meetings

Meeting: 14/07/2020 - Prosperous Communities Committee (Item 20)

Safer Streets Fund - Delivery

Additional documents:


Members gave consideration to a report which sought approval of the delivery of CCTV upgrades and expansion subject to Safer Streets Funding being secured.


Members noted that the funding came with stringent conditions meaning the area specified within the report was one of only two areas within the whole of Lincolnshire eligible to apply.   Details of the bid submitted and the additional resources this would bring to the area were shared in detail with the Committee.


The bid outcome was awaited and was expected by the end of month, delivery of the proposed scheme was dependent on a successful bid, following which the timescales for implementation were tight, with all monies needing to be spent before March 20201.


Debate ensued and Members fully supported the investment and additional provision.  It was acknowledged that there was a perception that CCTV did not work and was not always a deterrent.  However, CCTV could and would never prevent every crime.  Detection was only part of the process and police presence at incidents nationally was on a priority basis.


A record of incidents and data was retained; evidencing impact on criminal cases could be difficult due to the timeline within the criminal justice system.  CCTV also afforded benefits in respect of wider enforcement issues.


Members felt it imperative that there was better reporting of outcomes directly resulting from CCTV intervention or information in order to improve public confidence.  Officers undertook to publish some case studies in a future edition of the Members Bulletin.


Following further discussion around the specifics of the upgraded equipment and additional capability this would afford it was




(a)    the upgrade of public space CCTV be  approved subject to the Safer Streets Fund bid being successful and subsequent grant agreement with the Office of Police & Crime Commissioner; and


(b)     it be RECOMMENDED to the Corporate Policy & Resources Committee that a capital budget for this project be created.