45 Lincolnshire Homes for Independence Blueprint and HHCDG workstream PDF 244 KB
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Consideration was given to a report which presented the Lincolnshire Homes for Independence Blueprint, a document setting out shared and common aims and principles for achieving housing, health and care outcomes across the County.
The purpose of Homes for Independence Blueprint was outlined to Members.The Committee on 29 January 2018 had endorsed a Memorandum of Understanding agreeing to work together across housing, health and social care to deliver positive health outcomes for residents of Lincolnshire through the home.
The blueprint built on the set of principles adopted through the MOU and would further embed the role housing had to play in achieving health outcomes through the holistic approach taken by the Council.
The Blueprint was a high level vision and call to action to partners across the housing health and care sectors to identify and seek to provide a greater range of housing options to meet housing and housing related support needs and would form the basis for some of the work of the council within the Homes and Communities business area.
The blueprint, would be owned by the Housing Health and Care Delivery Group (HHCDG) and focussed on;
- growing the supply of appropriate housing to meet a range of specific housing needs
- aiming to influence the design, location and number of homes delivered
- secure better outcomes from existing resources
- enable residents of West Lindsey and Lincolnshire to plan ahead to meet their housing needs
The Blueprint would be used for project planning, providing evidence and justification in decision making processes as well as providing a focus on actions to secure greater provision of a wide range of housing choices and to further integrate services designed to promote independent living.
The national and local influences which had driven the development of the blueprint and provided the focus of work within the HHCDG were summarised to Members and outlined in Section 3 of the report.
The Homes for Independence Blueprint had been endorsed by the Health and Well-Being Board on 1 December 2020 with the recommendation that relevant partners adopt the blueprint through the appropriate decision making processes.
Programmes of work that contributed to meeting the objectives within the Homes for Independence blueprint would be delivered through a delivery plan. The plan supported the work of the HHCDG who oversaw the housing priority within the Lincolnshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
Members spoke positively of, and welcomed, the cross-organisation work being demonstrated. Members urged this agenda be progressed quickly by all Partners.
RESOLVED that West Lindsey District Council adopt and agree to work towards meeting the objectives set out within the Lincolnshire Homes for Independence Blueprint.