Issue - meetings

Meeting: 14/10/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 55)

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Members were asked to give consideration to application number 141429 outline planning application for 5no. dwellings - with all matters reserved on land to the south of Clixby Lane, Grasby. There were no Officer updates and following the initial presentation, the Chairman invited the first speaker to address the Committee.


Councillor Viv Wood, of Grasby Parish Council, explained that there had been at least 68 objections against the application as well as work recommended by the Lincolnshire wildlife Trust. She wanted to emphasise the most concerning aspects. Regarding ecology, she stated that the field had been undisturbed for 60 years and was an ecosystem in its own right. She stated that the applicant had already removed a hedgerow and simply putting up some bat boxes would not mitigate the loss of the natural habitat. She continued that Clixby Lane was very narrow and there were no street lights near the entrance. She suggested that a site visit would be the only way to appreciate the difficulties of the narrow access. She added that it was difficult for vehicles to turn around and often had to reverse up the lane. She noted the difficulties this would cause during the construction of the proposed development. Councillor Wood stated that a previous application had been refused as a result of the narrow lane. With regards to the historical importance of the lane, she enquired what actions would be taken should there be archaeological finds during the development work. The impact on existing residents, businesses and the local wildlife was highlighted and Councillor Wood implored Members to request a site visit in order to see for themselves the difficulties that would arise from the proposed development.


The Chairman invited the second speaker, Leanne Pogson, Agent for the Applicant, to address the Committee. She made the following statement.


“Good Evening,


My name is Leanne Pogson, I am an Associate Planner at Brown and Co and I am the agent representing the applicants, David Frankish and Judith Frankish, and I am speaking in support of this application.


This application seeks outline planning permission for five dwellings on land at Clixby Lane, Grasby, and has been recommended for approval by the case officer.


The site is part of an agricultural field on the southern side of Clixby Lane. There is residential development to the north and west of the application site and a brick-built building which has permission for business use to the east. This building has recently been refurbished and modernised.


Pre-application advice was sought earlier in the year for four dwellings on the site, which the case officer considered to be acceptable in principle. Informal discussions with the case officer during the pre-app process suggested that five dwellings would be supported on the site. 


An indicative layout submitted with the application shows two vehicular entrances to the site, with a private drive parallel to the main road. This would reduce the number of vehicle movements along Clixby Lane as opposed to creating individual  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55