Issue - meetings

Meeting: 14/10/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 57)

57 141348 - Welton pdf icon PDF 143 KB

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The final application was introduced, application number 141348, for demolition of existing dwelling, erection of 1no. replacement dwelling and 3no. new dwellings, with associated garaging and new vehicular access, at 27 Prebend Lane, Welton. Members heard from the Senior Development Management Officer that the archaeological comment had been received and they were not aware of anything of note. The tree and landscape officer had confirmed all trees were considered to be class C and therefore not of sufficient quality to retain, they should not pose any restraint to the development. He added that the draft condition two was to be removed and there was an amendment to condition four.


The Chairman invited the Democratic Services Officer to read aloud the statement provided by Dan Rontree, Agent for the Applicant.


In light of the current COVID 19 restrictions, it is understandable that this meeting is being held remotely. This small statement is intended to substitute our speech at committee and is to be read out in support of the application. The statement has been written by Dan Rontree, who is a Director at Heronswood Design, the designer of the scheme and acting as the agent on behalf of Mr & Mrs Sykes.


Whilst we have taken the opportunity to have this statement read out at Committee in lieu of it being delivered verbally (we have registered to speak, but will not intend on doing so if this report is to be read out in entirety), HWD are sitting in the virtual meeting room and would be happy to address the committee with clarification of any matter contained within this statement.

Prior to the continuation into this report, we would also like to take the opportunity to advise that a small number of factual discrepancies in the officers committee report have been brought to the officers attention prior to this evenings meeting, along with some additional information from consultees and it is anticipated that Ian Elliot will have addressed those points in an update to the committee before this meeting commenced.


This small scheme for 4 dwellings (1 of which is as a direct replacement for the host dwelling) is strategically located in what the CLLP describe as a ‘LARGE VILLAGE’ where policies suggest that development will be allowed in various forms within the developed footprint, whether that be via allocated sites, appropriate infill, intensification or renewal. It is our suggestion that this proposal quite clearly meets that criteria and will be in line with the core strategies of the CLLP which cites a presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development.


Quite evidently, this application seems to have drawn in a number of objections, which have been clearly summarised in the report produced by the case officer. We would further that by agreeing that the majority of objections seem to relate most strongly towards the impacts upon the residential amenity of the surrounding neighbourhood, the impact upon highways safety, the loss of a number of trees, the inappropriateness of designs on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 57