Issue - meetings

Meeting: 25/01/2021 - Council (Item 52)

52 Revised Scheme of Officer Delegation following completion of Senior Management Re-Structure pdf icon PDF 318 KB

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Councillor John McNeill, his capacity of Chairman of the Governance Audit Committee introduced the report which recommended a revised Scheme of Officer Delegation for adoption.


 The work relating to this report had been undertaken through delegated authority granted by the Governance and Audit Committee, to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chairman of the Governance and Audit Committee.


Members noted that most of the scheme, presented at Appendix 1 of the report, was unchanged from that approved at Annual Council in May 2019.


The changes were to re-align delegations to appropriate officers following the changes to the Senior Management structure, in support of the Chief Executive, introduced last year.


Council were therefore asked to acknowledge the re-alignment of already approved delegations highlighted in Yellow in the appendix.


Given that the Scheme was being fundamentally re-aligned to match the revisions to the Senior Management Structure, the Chairman had considered it opportune and appropriate, in consultation with Officers, and in the absence of Annual Council this civic year, to also bring forward any elements of the Annual Review Report, which affected the Scheme of Officer Delegation. 


These amendments, additions, and in some cases, deletions were expressed in red text in Appendix 1 and were made on the recommendation of the Governance and Audit Committee at their meetings on 16th June and 13th October 2020.


Council was therefore asked to approve the amendments, shown in red, in the revised Scheme of Officer Delegation presented at Appendix 1 and summarised in Appendix 2, which included rationale for change.


Members were advised that the next Annual Review was due to commence in coming weeks and should Members have any areas of concerns this would be best dealt with as part of the next review wherever possible.


Councillor McNeill concluded his presentation by moving the recommendations which were duly seconded. On being put to the vote it was : -




(a)     the re-alignment of previously approved duties and responsibilities as detailed in Section 2 of the report, undertaken through delegated powers. (expressed as black / yellow text in Appendix 1) be acknowledged; and


(b)     the recommendation from the Governance and Audit Committee be accepted and the amendments detailed in Appendix 2, suggested throughout the 19/20 Annual Review Process, together with those detailed in Section 4 be approved for inclusion in the revised Scheme of Officer Delegation (expressed in red text throughout Appendix 1).



Note:    Councillor T Davies lost connection during the above item of business and therefore did not take part in vote.