Additional documents:
Council considered a report which sought to appoint Members to Sub-Committees, Working Groups, Panels, Boards and Outside Bodies which were due to expire or where notification had been received from the main Group Leaders.
Councillor Trevor Young indicated that since the reports publication he wished to replace Councillor Judy Rainsforth on the Community Awards Panel, and appoint Councillor Keith Panter as her replacement. The amendment was formally moved and seconded and on being put to the vote, the AMENDMENT was CARRIED.
Note: Councillor Giles McNeill requested his vote against the above amendment be recorded.
The Chairman of the Governance and Audit Committee highlighted references to the former Challenge and Improvement Committee (now Overview and Scrutiny Committee), within the membership of Honours Panel. It was again noted that reference was also made to the Committee’s Vice-Chairman, of which there were now two. As such it was suggested these matters be further addressed as appropriate for increased clarity.
In response to Members’ queries, regarding the Joint Staff Consultative Committee, noting its absence from any of the reports. Officers confirmed the membership was to remain as previously appointed. In light of Group Leaders’ having indicated, they did not wish to amend its Membership, reference to both it and the Standards Sub-Committee had been excluded from the report. It was accepted that, for transparency, its inclusion for noting would have been more appropriate.
It was also confirmed the Standards Sub-Committee remained a sub-committee of the Governance and Audit Committee.
RESOLVEDthat : -
(a) Councillors Steve England and Caralyne Grimble be appointed to the Climate and Sustainability Working Group;
(b) Councillor Judy Rainsforth be re-appointed to the following Outside Bodies, for a further four year term, expiring Annual Council 2025 (subject to re-election in May 2023)-
* Trustees of Francis Barker Trust
* Trustees of Gainsborough Education Charity
* Trustees of WG Rose Memorial; and
(c) Councillor Keith Panter be appointed to the Community Awards Panel in replacement of Councillor Judy Rainsforth.
(Membership of the remaining bodies detailed in Appendix A of the report to remain unchanged).
Note: No amendments to the Membership of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee or Standards Sub-Committee were being made as a result of this report.