62 143260 Land South of Welsey Road, Cherry Willingham PDF 484 KB
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The second application was introduced by the Chairman, application number 143260 an entry level exception site for erection of 21no. affordable dwellings - phase 3, on land to South of Wesley Road, Cherry Willingham. The Committee heard the following update from the Planning Officer. It was requested that committee delegate back to officers to grant planning permission subject to:
- completion of a bi-lateral section 106 agreement securing the proposal as an entry level exceptions site and the management and maintenance of the on-site public open space;
- receipt of a unilateral undertaking securing public bridleway access through the field to the south of the application site to Green Lane;
- resolution of surface water drainage matters; and
- evidence of agreement in principle from an adjacent landowner to construction road provision.
With regard to drainage design, the fee proposal had been obtained on the day prior to the meeting for the engineer to prepare designs for the drainage and connection into existing attenuation / pumping station, works ongoing with drainage. Regarding the unilateral undertaking for bridleway, the final engrossed unilateral undertaking had been received from the solicitors. The client’s solicitors were preparing an ‘associated grant of the right of access’. In relation to the S106 for affordable housing and open space, the Final Clean Version of the agreement was sent to WLDC on 19 October.
Additionally, regarding the Haul Road access, Cherry Tree Homes originally proposed having the Haul road cutting diagonally across the field from Franklin Way. However, the adjoining land owner objected as his agricultural vehicles could only operate in straight lines. He would not be able to farm the cut off area of the field due to its triangular shape and relatively small size. The adjoining land owner of the east field had agreed in principal to Cherry Tree Homes having the access across his site. However, he was not currently willing to agree in writing to an exact route until Cherry Tree Homes paid him for the access.
The Chairman noted there were two registered speakers and invited the first, Mr Adam Skidmore from LK2 Architects, to address the Committee. Mr Skidmore made the following statement.
“Thank you, Chairman and Members of the Committee. My name is Adam Skidmore from LK2 Architects speaking in support of the application. This site has been subject to a number of historic planning applications. Previous planning submissions and subsequent appeal decisions of the site have determined that for locational purposes the site is acceptable for the development of residential housing.
The proposal is for an entry level exception site, which meets the requirements of paragraph 71 of the National Planning Policy Framework. Whilst the development of this site would extend the existing built farm of the settlement, the proposed scheme for 21 affordable homes demonstrates exceptional reasons to justify the granting of a residential scheme on the site. The proposal will help to meet the identified much needed demand for affordable housing in ... view the full minutes text for item 62