Issue - meetings

Meeting: 14/04/2022 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 89)

Hemswell Cliff Managed Estates Contract Renewal

Additional documents:


The Committee heard from the Senior Community Action Officer regarding the renewal of the Hemswell Cliff Managed Estates contract. She provided a history of the area and demonstrated how significant improvements had been made, as well as upcoming changes that would continue the work already undertaken. Members were thankful to the Officer and her team for the support provided to residents and the gains shown by their hard work.


A Member of the Committee highlighted that this was one of several estates that were managed in a variety of ways, with positive steps being taken to unify areas for the future. The Officer was again commended for her work in the area and, on being proposed and seconded, with a unanimous vote it was


            RESOLVED that


a)    the proposal to offer a five-year contract to Hemswell Residents Company in respect of Estate Management Services for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028 be approved; and


b)    oversight of the contract renewal procedure, including any minor housekeeping changes, be delegated to the Assistant Director of Homes and Communities, in consultation with the Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee and the Chairman of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.



Note:              Councillor M Boles left the meeting at 7.27pm


Meeting: 15/03/2022 - Prosperous Communities Committee (Item 75)

Hemswell Cliff Managed Estates Contract Renewal

Additional documents:


Members heard from the Senior Community Action Officer, with a report to provide an update on progress with the normalisation and stabilisation strategy at Hemswell Cliff and to seek approval to offer a further five year Managed Estate contract to Hemswell Resident Company.


The history of the site was reiterated for Members, as well as the inception of the Managed Estate Contract and progress achieved in the area to date. It was explained that the report recommended that the Council continued to support Hemswell Residents Company through the next five-year period, which would be particularly aligned with, and supportive of, the realisation of regeneration and growth investment opportunities.


Members of the Committee commended the Officer for her work in the area, as well as recognising the work of the residents and local community, pulling together to make such notable improvements. It was noted that the planned fourth tier government review had been postponed, however, it would provide an opportunity for residents to have a say on how boundaries should be realised, whether they wished to be a sole parish or joint with Hemswell.


With further comments of support, and having been moved and seconded, it was unanimously


            RESOLVED that


a)    the proposal to offer a five-year contract to Hemswell Residents Company in respect of Estate Management Services for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028 be supported and recommended to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee that approval be given; and


b)    oversight of the contract renewal procedure, including any minor housekeeping changes, be delegated to the Assistant Director of Homes and Communities, in consultation with the Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee and the Chairman of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.