72 2022/23 Progress & Delivery Measure Set PDF 1 MB
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The Committee gave consideration to a report from the Performance & Programme Manager, seeking approval for the Progress and Delivery measure set for 2022/23. It was explained that the measures being proposed provided a set of measures that informed the improvement of council services and aimed to drive the right behaviours from Officers. It was noted that all measures had been reviewed with Team Managers and Assistant Directors and had also been reviewed by a cross party Member working group. As part of the group, Members reviewed each measure set and made recommendations which had informed the development of the framework. These recommendations had been used to define the proposed measure set that was contained within the report.
Members heard the specifics of proposed changes to performance measures, such as those for Home Choices, Leisure and ICT. It was also explained that there was a new performance management system being implemented and, should the measures be agreed by the Committee, they would be built into the new system.
The Chairman thanked the Officers involved and invited comments from the Committee. Members discussed the new proposed measures and it was suggested that greater detail could be provided in future reports by way of a narrative appendix. This was supported, as well the suggestion to look at expectations regarding Government benchmarking to be the minimum, putting emphasis on the council to aim to do better than simply meet expectations.
In relation to leisure use statistics, it was confirmed that the methods of measuring users had been reviewed and there would be differentiation between members and non-members, as well as those who used the gym or pool facilities in comparison with, for example, using the sports hall or courts.
Members also discussed the complaints data, requesting that the additional narrative provide information such as whether an ‘at-fault’ complaint related to, for example a missed bin collection, or whether there were aspects of service review that could be improved upon. This was noted to be additional information to be included in future narratives.
A Member of the Committee referenced the ICT measures in relation to the timescales for low, medium and high priority helpdesk calls and it was agreed that further clarification would be shared with Members after the meeting.
Having discussed the proposed measures in detail, and having been moved and seconded, the Chairman took the vote and it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Progress and Delivery measure set for 2022/23 be approved.