83 Regulation 19 - Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Consultation Response PDF 349 KB
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The Head of Policy & Strategy addressed Members in relation to a report seeking to agree the formal response by West Lindsey District Council to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review Consultation. Members were advised that this was the last consultation on the Local Plan review before the final draft would be submitted for public, independent examination by the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State. The Chair and Vice Chairs of Prosperous Communities Committee; Cllr. Bierley, Cllr. J McNeill and Cllr. T Coulson were invited to a briefing in April, during which, an overview of the Proposed Submission Draft Local Plan was provided including highlighting areas where previous comments had been made by Members and what changes had been made as a result.
A consultation response had been drafted as a result of this briefing and observations made by Officers on behalf of West Lindsey District Council, which considered the strategic aims of the Local Plan and policies against those strategic aims of the Council as an organisation. This response was being presented to the Committee to agree and endorse for submission.
It was highlighted to Members that whilst West Lindsey District Council would submit a single formal response, all interested parties, including Councillors and Parish and Town Councils were able to submit their own consultation responses throughout the duration of the consultation period and also register a wish to speak at the Examination in Public hearing.
Note: Councillor J. Oliver left the Chamber at 7.1pm and returned at 7.35pm
There was significant discussion amongst Members of the Committee, specifically regarding issues such as the need to protect farm land, the future of RAF Scampton, provision of affordable housing and the threat to rural life through the overdevelopment of rural villages. Details of the concerns raised were recorded by Officers with the agreement that comments made would be incorporated into the consultation response.
Note: Councillor M. Devine left the Chamber at 8.02pm and returned at 8.05pm
Through the course of discussions, Members enquired as to the proposals for extensive solar farms in the district as well as proposed further development in Welton. It was reiterated that all interested parties could submit their own responses, with the consultation closing at 11.59pm on Monday 9 May.
The Chairman thanked all for their comments and involvement with the debate and read aloud the recommendations as published in the report. Having been moved and seconded, and with a majority vote, it was
a) the proposed consultation submission in relation to the Reg.19 Public Participation stage as identified within the indicative timetable contained with the Local Development scheme (September 2020) be agreed and endorsed; and
b) authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning and Regeneration (in consultation with the Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee) to submit the final version of West Lindsey District Council’s formal response to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Reg. 19 Draft Local Plan Consultation incorporating any additional comments expressed and agreed throughout ... view the full minutes text for item 83