71 Lincolnshire Preventing Domestic Abuse Strategy PDF 172 KB
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The Committee gave consideration to a report presented by the Assistant Director Homes and Communities, introducing the duties required as a result of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and the Lincolnshire Preventing Domestic Abuse Strategy. It was explained that the governance around the domestic abuse agenda in Lincolnshire had been reviewed in response to the Domestic Abuse Bill and a partnership consultation that took place in 2020. As a result of this, and following the enactment of the Domestic Abuse Act in April 2021, Lincolnshire had developed a Domestic Abuse partnership that sat alongside the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership, the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children's Partnership and the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board, putting Domestic Abuse at the core of the safeguarding agenda and ensuring it received the focus and dedication it required. The partnership was made up of multi-agency representatives, including Lincolnshire Police, NHS services, County Council services, district councils, amongst others.
The strategy was published in January 2022 in line with Lincolnshire County Council’s new statutory responsibilities under the new Act and set out the shared ambition and key priorities for the Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse partnership in tackling domestic abuse and outlined the key areas of action over the coming three years.
Members heard that a delivery plan would be developed in collaboration with the partnership with the aim of addressing the ambitions set out within the strategy. As a partnership it was felt that the strategy should set out the overall ambitions, principles and objectives in tackling domestic abuse, with the delivery plan setting out how to achieve this, ensuring a level of fluidity was built into the process in order to respond to a changing landscape. The strategy and subsequent delivery plan and commissioning plans would address the needs of all victim groups. The Committee was asked to agree the priorities within the strategy, in line with supporting the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
There was widespread support for the purpose and role of the strategy, as well as recognising the need for an holistic approach, to include work with perpetrators of abuse and appreciate the external influences that may have an impact when supporting victims of abuse.
Having been moved and seconded it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the priorities set out within the Lincolnshire Preventing Domestic Abuse Strategy 2021-2024, which contribute to fulfilling the statutory duties placed on the council to support the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, be agreed.