85 Selective Licensing - Follow Up on Council Motion PDF 338 KB
Additional documents:
Members gave consideration to a report from the Housing and Enforcement Manager providing feedback on the outcome of the selective licensing consultation and seeking clarity on the next steps following on from the approved motion at Full Council on 7 March 2022. It was noted that additional information had been circulated, with this document to be appended to the minutes.
Members heard that a meeting had taken place on 27 April 2022 with those Members who had brought the motion to Council and it had been a positive, productive meeting, with a consensus reached regarding further work to be undertaken. It was agreed that this was a positive step and it was right for a further report to be brought to the Committee in July, however, a Member of the Committee proposed amending the wording of the recommendation to read:
“a progress report be brought back to Prosperous Communities Committee on 19 July 2022”
On being seconded and voted upon, it was
RESOLVED that the wording of the third published recommendation re amended.
Members of the Committee referenced the suggestion to convene a working group of Members to work alongside Officers in the development of the Selective Licensing work and in order to formalise this suggestion, it was proposed that an additional recommendation be added to the two published recommendations and the now amended recommendation three. This was proposed to read:
“the committee agrees to establishing a working group of Members to support officers in developing the way forward; the members of the working group to include Cllrs Young, Bunney, Regis and Howitt-Cowan if wished, to be chaired by Cllr Coulson, with changes to be agreed with the Assistant Director - Change Management & Regulatory Services and Chairman of the Prosperous Communities Committee.”
This proposal was subsequently seconded and, on taking the vote, it was
RESOLVED that the additional recommendation be added to those published in the report and the amended recommendation three.
Note: Councillor J. Oliver left the Chamber at 8.56pm and returned at 8.59pm
The Assistant Director - Change Management & Regulatory Services provided Members with a summary of the discussions as well as confirming that the notes of the meeting on 27 April 2022 would be circulated. With no further comments or discussion, the Chairman read aloud the recommendations to be voted upon. On being moved and seconded, it was unanimously
a) the outcome of the consultation period at the time of the halt of the Selective Licensing consultation on 7 March 2022, and the associated report, be noted; and
b) the questions set out in section 3.4 of the report, relating to the Full Council motion passed on 7 March 2022, be considered and clarity and direction be provided for Officers to enable them to take the next steps in line with the motion; and
c) a progress report be brought back to Prosperous Communities Committee on 19 July 2022; and
d) the Committee agrees to establishing a working group of Members to support Officers in ... view the full minutes text for item 85