7 Annual Counter Fraud Report 2021/22 PDF 463 KB
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Members considered the Annual report on identified fraud during 2021/22 and the proactive measures undertaken to counter fraud during the year, and actions for the following year.
Leaders of public service organisations had a responsibility to embed effective standards for countering fraud and corruption in their organisations. This supported good governance and demonstrated effective financial stewardship and strong public financial management.
Published in October 2014, the CIPFA Code of Practice on Managing the Risk of Fraud & Corruption set out the principles that defined the governance and operational arrangements necessary for an effective counter-fraud response.
These principles underpinned the Council’s approach, which supported the management of the risk of fraud and corruption. The Council promoted a zero-tolerance culture of fraud and corruption. The following Strategy Statement was being considered:
“West Lindsey District Council is determined that the culture and tone of the organisation is one of honesty, openness and absolute opposition to fraud and corruption. The Council’s expectation on propriety and accountability is that members and staff at all levels will observe the highest standards in ensuring adherence to legal requirements, rules, procedures and practices.’ (West Lindsey District Council – Anti Fraud & Corruption Strategy v2 2022).”
The Council maintained a suite of strategies and policies to support the effective management of the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud and corruption (Anti-Fraud & Corruption Strategy and Response Plans; Whistleblowing Policy and Anti Bribery Policy). Counter fraud activity during the year had delivered a programme of proactive and reactive work to complement the Internal Audit Strategy and Annual Plan focusing resources against assessed problems.
Note: Councillor D. Dobbie left the Chamber at 2.43 pm
Debate ensued, and Members posed several questions. In response to a question about the notification and lack of successful fraud attempts, the Director of Corporate Services informed Members that this was due to multiple factors. These included that the Council operated a secured network and had officers fully trained, with prior internal controls in place. A separate Member congratulated the Finance team on the low amounts of error in the payments.
The Officer also referenced the process for paying Covid-19 business grants, to which, despite minor, insignificant errors, the Council successfully supplied the grants through three different verification processes.
Having been moved and seconded on being put to the vote it was unanimously
RESOLVED that Members the contents of the report and supported the counter fraud work that protected the Authority’s interests be endorsed.