90 Overview & Scrutiny Annual Report PDF 347 KB
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The outgoing Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee presented her Committee’s Annual Report to Full Council.
The report summarised the visits from outside agencies, the Committee had received, such as Lincolnshire Police and the NHS, and also highlighted internal review work that has been undertaken for example with disabled facilities grants.
The Committee had benefitted from the return to face-to-face meetings, with it being more natural to work with outside agencies in the Chamber setting rather than via Teams.
A major piece of work, carried forward from previous years, was the focus on flood risk management and how the Council could better support residents at risk of flood. The Member working group had worked closely with Officers and external agencies, leading to a co-ordinated approach for flood risk management as well as how to reduce the risk of flooding in the first place. Recommendations were expected to be presented to the Prosperous Communities Committee in the early part of the civic year 22/23.
The first meeting of the civic year 22/23 would see the Committee agree its initial work plan, as well as review its Operating Methodology, the guidelines for how work could be chosen by, or allocated to, the Committee.
In concluding the introduction, the outgoing Chairman thanked Officers and Members alike for their support, including, Ady Selby, Ele Snow, Clerk of the Committee and the Clerk of Scotter Parish Council.
Having been proposed and seconded it was: -
RESOLVED that the Annual Report from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be received and noted.