80 Public Space CCTV Report 2021 PDF 348 KB
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The Committee heard from the Enterprising Communities Manager regarding the Public Space CCTV report for 2021. He explained that the report provided an overview of CCTV activity during 2021 with no personal or sensitive information included. The publication of the Public Space CCTV Report 2021 helped to demonstrate the use and impact of public space CCTV on preventing and detecting crime. Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 detailed how local authorities have a duty to consider the impact of their functions and decision on crime and disorder in their area. The Committee heard that the provision of a public space CCTV service was a direct action the Council took to pro-actively prevent and detect crime.
The Chairman thanked all those involved with the management and monitoring of the CCTV service and invited comments from Members. There was a question regarding the use of solar powered CCTV cameras, with Members hearing that this technology was still experimental however there would be opportunities to explore its use as systems developed.
There was discussion regarding the use of facial recognition technology and whether the cameras were used to target, for example, issues with dog fouling. It was explained that facial recognition was not used and public space CCTV had not been actively used to address issues with dog fouling, however if there was an identified hot spot, CCTV could be used for targeted monitoring.
Note: Councillor R. Patterson arrived at 6.51pm
A Member of the Committee enquired as to whether the use of CCTV had been instrumental in identifying offenders and whether the Shopwatch scheme was still operational. It was explained that footage had been used and assisted with identifying perpetrators of crimes, although often cases could not be publicised due to sensitive information. It was also highlighted that there had been a relaunch of the Shopwatch scheme with eight new stores joining, and there would be further promotion and encouragement for other businesses to be involved.
There was further discussion regarding the rate of shoplifting and the importance of prevention in the first instance. Members thanked the Officer for the report and the detailed information provided.
With no further comments or questions, and having been moved and seconded, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Public Space CCTV Report 2021 be acknowledged and its publication be approved.