86 Appointment Of Committees for the 2022/23 Civic Year PDF 233 KB
In accordance with the provisions of Section 16 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, to appoint Members to Committees for the Civic Year, in accordance with the wishes expressed by the Political Groups.
Additional documents:
The Chairman of the Council presented the report which set out the wishes expressed by the political groups in respect of the appointment of Members to serve on each of the Council’s formal Committees for the 2022/23 Civic Year.
The report also sought to suspend the rules relating to proportionality in respect of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as had been the case since Annual Council in May 2019. Members were reminded the suspension of political balance required all Members to vote in favour, as opposed to a “majority” decision.
The Leader of the Opposition indicated immediately that he would not be supporting the suspension of political balance, nor would he be making nominations to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, outlining the reasons for his position, namely the Administration’s decision to seek a reduction in the number of Vice-Chairmen on the Scrutiny-Committee, and in his view the Leader having reneged on his commitment to make no changes to the make-up of committees.
Advice was sought from the Monitoring Officer, given the position expressed by the Leader of the Opposition. Members were advised the previous report noted by Council had set out the number of seats afforded in the event that balance was not suspended. As such the Administration Group were afforded three more seats, the allocations afforded to the other Groups remained unchanged. The Monitoring Officer further advised that the nomination of Councillor Mrs Lawrence to the Scrutiny Committee was not constitutionally acceptable. As such three further nominations were made by the Leader, Councillor Mrs T Coulson, Mrs C McCartney and R Waller. Councillor P Morris would replace Councillor Mrs A Lawrence.
The report when published had not included the nominations of the Liberal Democrat Group, these had been received by the Monitoring Officer, earlier in the day and were read aloud to the meeting.
(a) the rules relating to proportionality in relation to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be not suspended;
(b) In accordance with the provisions of section 16 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and the wishes expressed by political groups, Members be appointed to serve to the Council’s Committees for the 2022/23 civic year as follows: -
Chief Officer Employment Committee (9 Members)
Councillor Owen Bierley
Councillor Jackie Brockway
Councillor Stephen Bunney
Councillor Mick Devine
Councillor Diana Rodgers
Councillor Lesley Rollings
Councillor Anne Welburn
Councillor Angela White
Councillor Trevor Young
Corporate Policy and Resources Committee(14 Members)
Councillor Owen Bierley
Councillor Matt Boles
Councillor Stephen Bunney
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Mick Devine
Councillor Ian Fleetwood
Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan
Councillor John McNeill
Councillor Tom Regis
Councillor Mandy Snee
Councillor Jeff Summers
Councillor Bob Waller
Councillor Anne Welburn
Councillor Trevor Young
Governance and Audit Committee (7 Members)
Councillor Jackie Brockway
Councillor Stephen Bunney
Councillor Tracey Coulson
Councillor Chris Darcel
Councillor Caralyne Grimble
Councillor John McNeill
Councillor Angela White
Licensing Committee (14 Members)
Councillor David Cotton
Councillor Tim Davies
Councillor Caralyne Grimble
Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan
Councillor Angela Lawrence
Councillor Cordelia McCartney
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