Levelling Up Fund Resources
Additional documents:
The Levelling Up Fund Programme Manager presented a report to the Committee regarding the progress and spend achieved in 2021/22 and seeking approval for the next tranche of expenditure on the programme.
Members were satisfied with the progress to date and were provided assurance that as each element of the project progressed and detailed designs and work programmes were confirmed, updates would be brought back to Members; specifically, where there were identified ongoing revenue implications and where input into final design approval was required.
With unanimous support, and having been moved and seconded, it was
a) approval be given to spend the remaining £8.299m of the Thriving Gainsborough Levelling Up Programme, capital budget as per the Bid submission; and
b) Appendix 1 of the report be approved as the revised budget profile for the programme; and
c) a future report be presented to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee, detailing the business case and options for Public Realm interventions (Market, Park and Pocket Park) for approval.
With no further business, the Chairman thanked all present for their time and contributions and brought the meeting to a close.