Issue - meetings

Meeting: 09/05/2022 - Council (Item 88)

88 Appointment of Working Groups, Boards and Other Bodies (Including any Outside Bodies due to expire) pdf icon PDF 148 KB

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Consideration was given to report which sought to appoint Members to Sub-Committees, Working Groups, Panels, Boards and Outside Bodies which were due to expire or where notification has been received from the main Group Leaders.


Whilst there was no constitutional requirement to appoint to these on annual basis, the two main Group’s Leaders were, at least annually, provided with a full list of such internal bodies and provided with an opportunity to amend membership where they considered it necessary.


Council noted that Group Leaders had not given prior indication that they wished to amend memberships on these internal groups at the current time, and no verbal nominations were made.


There were however five outside body appointments due to expire at Annual Council May 2022, detailed in the report, and the Charities concerned had requested a continuation of membership wherever feasible.


Having been proposed and seconded on being put to the vote, it was


RESOLVED that Councillors Jessie Milne and Paul Howitt Cowan be re-appointed, for a further four-year term, expiring Annual Council 2026 (subject to re-election in May 2023) to the following positions:


(a)     Trustees of Charles Cooper Trust – 2 places - Councillor Milne and Howitt-Cowan;


(b)     Trustees of Francis Barker Trust – 1 place - Councillor Milne;


(c)     Trustees of WG Rose Memorial - 1 place - Councillor Milne; and 


(d)     Trustees of Gainsborough Education Charity – 1 place – Councillor Milne.