Lea Fields Crematorium Business Plan
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The final report of the evening was presented to the Committee by the Commercial Development Manager, seeking to inform Members of the performance of the Lea Fields Crematorium and requesting approval of the new Business Plan. It was explained that the Lea Fields Business Plan had been produced to demonstrate to Members and Management Team the performance of the Crematorium since opening in January 2020. The facility had achieved the number of cremations predicted in the original Business Plan, having also won plaudits and awards on the national stage, with an outstanding reputation and resilient team.
It was highlighted that there had been significant changes in the previous two years, with an increasing and noticeable trend being a move towards direct funerals, which, alongside a number of new costs which had not been anticipated in the original Business Plan, had led to the revised Business Plan as presented to the Committee.
The Committee sought additional details regarding the impact of direct funerals, as well as seeking clarity on the process. It was highlighted that any service at the facility was treated with the same respect and the team had a positive reputation for maintaining that high standard of service.
Members voiced their support for the Business Plan as well as sharing thanks to the team at the facility. Having been moved, seconded and voted upon, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the 2022-23 Lea Fields Business Plan be approved.