19 Legal Responsibilities Policy PDF 275 KB
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The Committee gave consideration to a report presented by the Director of Corporate Services on behalf of the Data Protection Officer / FOI Officer. It was explained that the Legal Responsibility Policy set out the legislation and regulations that governed how the council managed information, and aimed to highlight the risks to both the authority and individual officers should there be failures in compliance. It was noted that no changes to the policy had any effect on the current processing at the council.
Members of the Committee expressed their satisfaction with the report and policy amendments. A Member of the Committee proposed an additional recommendation be put to the Committee, that being for authority to be delegated for minor housekeeping amendments, explaining this was the usual practice for such policies. This was seconded with the Democratic Services Officer confirming there was standard wording used for such a delegation.
Having been moved and seconded, with the additional recommendation included, it was unanimously
a) amendments to the Legal Responsibilities Policy be approved by the Corporate Policy & Resources Committee for formal adoption; and
b) future minor housekeeping amendments be delegated to the Director of Corporate Services in consultation with the Chairs of the Joint Staff Consultative and Corporate Policy and Resources Committees.