15 Draft Annual Governance Statement 2021-22 PDF 343 KB
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Members gave consideration to the report which presented the draft Annual Governance Statement for 2021/22. The Committee were asked to review its content and identify any additional issues they considered should be contained in the associated action plan, prior to receiving the final document for approval at its meeting on 29 November 2022.
Having reviewed the year; taken account of progress against the AGS 2020/21 action plan and having also considered recommendations made within various governance related reports/audits, the matters suggested for possible inclusion in the action plan were: -
· Loss of key staff – ensure that robust processes are fully documented, succession plans are in place where appropriate, identify activities which are overly reliant on one individual;
· Financial settlement – continue to update the MTFS as we gain greater certainty on the level of funding for future years;
· Prepare for all out elections in May 2023 – ensure robust election planning and deliver an effective Member induction plan;
· New finance system – ensure it is effective and compliant;
· Continue the review of corporate procurement procedures (carried forward from last year); and
· Continue the implementation of CIPFA FM Code requirements.
The 2020-21 Action Plan was attached in the report for review and sign off by the Committee.
Debate ensued, and Members drew attention to the financial settlement being lobbied for by the Council to Central Government. In response, the Director of Corporate Services advised that it would be a two-year settlement, with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities confirming this at the recent CIPFA conference. However, there were no guarantees when the Council would receive this.
In reply to a query about the new finance system, the Director stated that the new finance system had been implemented initially in February/March, with a few more modules left to implement. It was confirmed that continued support was provided from Technology One and AMS, in addition to the in-house team.
Having been moved and, seconded, on being put to the vote it was unanimously
RESOLVED that: -
(a) having reviewed the draft Statement, no additional governance related matters be included in the draft statement; and
(b) having reviewed the proposed set of issues, arising during the year and intended to form the Action Plan for 2021/22, they be agreed.