Matters Arising schedule setting out current position of previously agreed actions as at 7 September 2022.
Additional documents:
In respect of the action entitled “Update Report on the target number of visited establishments”, the Housing and Environmental Enforcement Manager advised the Committee that by August 2022, the team had completed 50% of the visits. The Officer then further explained that there was an expectation of reaching the 90% target and possibly beyond that. An update report would be brought to the Committee’s next meeting.
The Officer then took the opportunity to raise with Members recent correspondence received which impacted the Council’s Licensing Policy.
With effect from 2022 it was a statutory requirement for Local Authorities to be a Member of the “National Register of Refusals and Revocations (or NR3)”. Officers outlined the purposed of the national register which allowed licensing authorities to record details of where a hackney carriage or PHV driver’s license had been refused or revoked and allowed licensing authorities to check new applicants against the register.
The Policy would need to be amended, to reflect the inclusion of this “new step”, but given it was a Statutory obligation, no Committee decision would be sought and the Licensing Team would make the required amendment and re-publish the Licensing Policy in due course.
In the absence of any further questions, the report was taken as read and with no requirement for a vote, the Matters Arising were DULY NOTED.