85 West Lindsey District Council Draft Corporate Plan, 2023-2027 PDF 487 KB
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The Committee heard from the Policy and Strategy Officer – Corporate Strategy and Business Planning regarding the Council’s Corporate Plan 2023 – 2027. It was explained that the Corporate Plan which ran to 2023 was due for review and the proposed strategic aims, objectives and outcomes for the upcoming four year period had been incorporated into the updated Plan. The report set out the rationale for the proposals within the Corporate Plan, including the updated policy context, stakeholder engagement and key design principles. The report also included an outline of the monitoring arrangements to assess progress against priorities.
It was explained that the Corporate Plan was the overarching policy document that informed all Council activity, driven by a number of factors including the national, regional and local policy context. In line with the Council’s commitment to evidence based decision making, the identified priorities were based on robust statistical evidence as set out in the Council’s Annual State of the District Report.
The concept of the Corporate Plan was well embedded across the organisation. A follow-up internal audit of the Corporate Plan and the “Golden Thread”, conducted in November 2021, had returned an opinion of substantial assurance, particularly in relation to stakeholder engagement, communication and managing strategic risk.
Members were advised that the document now presented was the culmination of 12 months of development, centred around extensive engagement with Members to produce a Corporate Plan which reflected the priorities of the Council; and with staff, to ensure that those priorities were understood. Delivery was being planned for thorough business planning, financial planning and project management. It was reported that with many aspects of the Plan being well-embedded across the organisation, officers were tasked with refreshing and updating the current Plan ready for the next administrative period. Approaching the refresh in this way had allowed for continuity, both for officers, who had been able to continue their strategic business planning, and for Members, so that the post-election administration was not faced with a strategic policy gap for a significant length of time.
The Council’s overarching vision, mission and values had been carried across to the refresh and the themes of “Our Council”, “Our People” and “Our Place” remained in place. This framework had been used to shape key changes, most notably, updating the evidence base, updating the policy context and refreshing the strategic aims, objectives and outcomes.
The aims and objectives formed the core of the document and these were at the centre of the recommendation contained within the report. The outcomes were considered to be robust, and were designed to be challenging whilst also ensuring that clear evidence of progress could be provided against each of the identified outcomes.
In terms of monitoring progress, the monitoring framework was clearly set out within the Corporate Plan. This would be developed further as the Corporate Plan was embedded, for example, ensuring Progress and Delivery measures were clearly aligned to the aims and objectives so that Members had a strategic view of the performance ... view the full minutes text for item 85