66 2023/24 Measure and Target Setting for Progress and Delivery PDF 28 KB
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The Committee received a report from the Change, Project and Performance Officer concerning proposals for the 2023/24 Progress and Delivery measure set. As referenced in the report, a light touch approach was proposed for 2023/24, with a full review of all measures and targets being undertaken for 2024/25. This review would be undertaken in alignment with the refreshed Corporate Plan, with work commencing later this year. This would include setting up a Member working group to allow for an evaluation of measures and targets prior to sign off in early 2025.
Members were reminded that a number of new measures had been introduced at the beginning of this financial year. In accordance with the approved process, targets were not assigned to these. Instead the year was used to baseline data for these measures and this baseline information would be used to inform targets for the next financial year. The report included the rationale for this. Members were advised that with regard to the target for Local Land Charges – Market share, this would remain at 40%.
Members commented that this was a well written report and having indicated that it would be helpful in future to have separate statistics for full fee-paying members and non-members of the leisure centres, it was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED that the proposed changes to those Progress and Delivery measures and targets for 2023/24, as outlined in the report, be approved.