74 Provision of Members' ICT from May 2023 PDF 357 KB
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Members considered a report from the Democratic Services & Elections Team Manager, regarding the provision of Members’ ICT devices for May 2023 onwards. It was explained that section 1 of the report set out the background to this matter. Members were advised that 2019 had been the first year in which Members had been provided with IT devices issued and maintained by Council. There had been a commitment at that time to review and refresh the offer available to Members every four years. It was recognised that since 2019 working practices had changed considerably and it was suggested that the offer for 2023 provided additional choice and accommodated the views and experiences of Members and Officers over the last four years.
It was proposed that each elected Member from May 2023 would be afforded a maximum of one iPad (Wi-Fi) with a detachable keyboard and cover; and/or one laptop akin to those issued to staff, with a mouse and carry bag. Members would also be permitted to access their Council e-mails, MS Teams and MS Office Products from their personal mobiles (subject to those devices being of an approved operating standard). This was something that Members had been keen to see facilitated.
Whilst a number of Members had had a positive experience with their iPads and had indicated they would not want to move away from the device, it was fair to say that this view had not been universal. Many of those provided with a laptop mid-term had chosen to surrender their iPad due to lack of use.
It was therefore suggested that selecting only one device that would suit all Members, their individual working styles and IT literacy would be difficult. The proposal referred to in the report sought to offer Members a greater element of choice than previously afforded and recognised the changing ways elected Members were expected to use their devices.
Section 3 of the report set out the process for the purchase and issue of devices, with a view to ensuring all Members had their devices on Day 1 Induction (Tuesday 9 May).
It was emphasised that the figures contained within the report were an absolute maximum. There was an assumed budget of £28,000. However, the initial purchase indicated in the report, which was for 24 laptops and 14 iPads was £10,700 above that assumed budget.
Members were advised that there had been a real attempt to recycle and re-use wherever was possible, further reducing the final spend, with all returning Members expected to keep their device (if it was their preferred device).
It was indicated that, if the proposal was agreed, then Officers would report back to the Committee on the total amount spent against the maximum budget in the first budget monitoring report after the elections.
A number of comments were made by Members about the relative benefits of iPads and laptops. Of particular concern was the need to somehow resolve the need for those Members who also sat on other Lincolnshire authorities ... view the full minutes text for item 74