Potential RAF Scampton Purchase
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Members gave consideration to a report presented by the Director of Planning, Regeneration & Communities, providing an update on work to date to secure a prosperous future for RAF Scampton and to seek approval to progress to the next stage. The Chairman welcomed Councillor R. Patterson as a Visiting Member, highlighting his involvement in the area a Local Ward Member.
There was widespread support for the proposals at the RAF Scampton site, with thanks extended to Officers for the work being undertaken to secure a prosperous future and avoid the difficulties that had been experienced by other ex-military communities in the district.
The Committee was provided with in depth explanation of the process as had been realised so far, as well as the stages yet to be completed. Members voiced their own concerns regarding the transition from RAF base to successful community, with assurance being given that it was a priority to ensure as smooth a transition as possible.
Following significant discussions amongst Committee Members, and having had the recommendations as printed moved and seconded, the Chairman took the vote. It was unanimously
a) the Market Value established for the site at RAF Scampton be noted and authority be delegated to, with the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of the CP&R Committee, to negotiate a final purchase price with the [Defence Infrastructure Organisation /Ministry of Defence] based on the draft Heads of Terms and considering the findings of the technical due diligence work; and
b) subject to recommendation 4 and the entering into a Development Agreement with a development partner following conclusion of the Public Procurement exercise, the acquisition of the site at RAF Scampton be approved and the completion of the acquisition of the site be delegated to the Director of Corporate Services, with the Chair of this Committee; and
c) it be agreed that the site purchase should be funded from the Investment and Growth Reserve. In due course this item will be placed on the 2023-24 capital programme with the final amount for approval as part of the 2023-24 budget process; and
d) the issue of the ‘Alcatel’ letters be delegated to the Director of Corporate Services in consultation with the Chair of this Committee. It should be noted that the final outcome of the Public Procurement exercise to select a development partner and enter into a Development Agreement will be determined through a further decision by this committee.
The Chairman reiterated thanks to al involved, and extended thanks to all present for the meeting, wishing a happy Christmas and New Year to all.