Issue - meetings

Meeting: 23/01/2023 - Council (Item 127)

127 Collection Fund - Council Tax Surplus 2022/23 & Council Tax Base 2023-24. pdf icon PDF 236 KB

Additional documents:


The Section 151 Officer presented the report and advised that the Council was required to set its Council Tax Base and declare an estimate of its Council Tax Surplus which should be taken into account when setting the Council Tax for the following year.


The Council Tax Base for the year 2022/23 would be 31,696.76.


The S151 Officer summarised how the calculation was undertaken and how the collection rate affected the calculation. West Lindsey’s collection rate was above the national average and this impacted positively.


The Council Tax Surplus of £ £1,923,600 had been calculated in accordance with statutory guidance.  The Surplus had to be shared between Lincolnshire County Council, The Police and Crime Commissioner and West Lindsey District Council, with West Lindsey’s share being £289,700.


This amount would be built into the 2023/24 Budget prior to setting the Council Tax.


Members noted that West Lindsey District Council received a slightly higher proportion of the surplus, than the Police and Crime Commissioner, despite the Police and Crime Commissioner element of the Council Tax being higher than West Lindsey’s.  This was due to the fact that West Lindsey District Council's precept total, for the surplus calculation, included that precepted for by its parishes.


Testament was paid to all those working in the Revenues department for the work they undertook.


Having been moved and seconded on being put to the vote it was: -




(a)    the estimated surplus of £289,700 be accepted and declared as accruing in the Council’s Collection Fund at 31 March 2023 relating to an estimated Council Tax surplus;


(b)    the Council uses its element of the Collection Fund surplus/deficit in calculating the level of Council Tax in 2023/24; and


(c)    in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulation 1992 (as amended) the amount calculated by the Council, as its Council Tax Base for the whole of the District area for 2023/24 be approved and set at 31,696.76 as detailed in the report and appendices.