126 Recommendation from the Independent Remuneration Panel - Members Allowance Scheme 23/24 PDF 260 KB
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The Chairman again welcomed Mr Richard Quirk, Chairman of the Independent Remuneration Panel to the meeting and invited him to introduce the report.
Mr Quirk outlined the process that had been undertaken to produce the recommendations set out in the report. Consultation had taken place with Members and thanks were expressed to those that had responded, noting the response rate had again been low.
Mr Quirk also outlined the factors which had been taken into account, summarised in paragraph 1.2 of the report by the Panel in reaching its recommendations, namely an increase across the board of 3% to Members’ basic allowance and Special Responsibility Allowances (SRA’s).
This proposal if accepted would increase the Members’ basic allowance in real terms by an extra amount of £3.60 per week per Member.
Acknowledging that Members had rejected their increases in some previous years and whilst also recognising the reasons for this, Members were reminded of the importance of keeping remuneration at a level to avoid a one-off large increase should remuneration fall below comparable rates. Remuneration was there to ensure no one was prevented from being a Councillor due to out of pocket expenses.
Other matters which had been investigated by the Panel this year, had included revisions to the Carers’ Allowance and the possibility of a Bicycle Purchase Scheme for Members. The latter would be investigated further during 23/24, the former, it was being proposed be increased, but that this increase should always be at a level of £1 above the National Living Wage.
Regarding Mileage Allowance, Members noted that 45p per mile was the maximum the Council could allow without evoking taxation rules. As such any rise, past this level would be lost to tax and would not be to the benefit of the Councillor. However changes to the passenger rate had been proposed by the Panel, with a flat rate of 5p per passenger, again linking to the wider Council agenda of reducing carbon emissions, car sharing was to be encouraged wherever possible and feasible.
Several Members welcomed the possibility of Bicycle Purchase Scheme being investigated, and spoke of how it not only linked to the Councils wider sustainability and carbon reduction objectives, but also to the Health and Well-being agenda.
In response to questions, it was confirmed the Carers Allowance did not only apply to the care of young children, but was an allowance towards the costs for the care of any dependents. It was also clarified that it was not intended to cover the whole cost. If costs incurred were less than the rate, the Member would only be reimbursed the amount they had paid.
The Remuneration Panel were thanked for their work by Members across the Chamber and across the political parties.
Mr Quirk in turn thanked Members and the Officers of the Council who supported the Remuneration Panel’s work; Emma Redwood and Susan Norman.
Having been moved and seconded it was: -
RESOLVED that: -
(a) the new rates for the Civic Year 2023/2024 namely ... view the full minutes text for item 126