RAF Scampton
Additional documents:
The Committee heard from the Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities regarding the RAF Scampton Development Agreement. Members were provided with full details of the public procurement exercise, in particular the legal considerations and subsequent actions on approving the appointment of a development partner.
Members expressed their ongoing support for the work being undertaken, and thanked Officers involved for their hard work and dedication to achieving the best outcome for the area. There was specific discussion regarding the legalities of the current stage of proceedings, and Members were assured of the approach.
With repeated thanks, and having been moved and seconded, the Chairman took the vote and it was unanimously
a) the Regulation 84 report (Appendix 2) which summarised the public procurement exercise, be accepted; and
b) the appointment of the company named within the report be approved as the Council’s Development Partner for the regeneration and redevelopment of RAF Scampton and authority be delegated to the Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Chair of this Committee to finalise the contract and to complete the Development Agreement (NB: this decision remains subject to the conclusion of the public procurement exercise.); and
c) the use of £475,000 from the Investment and Growth Reserve be approved in order to support future work on the site; and
d) the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee receive financial updates through the quarterly capital monitoring reports and a full annual update on progress of the delivery of the Development Agreement.