45 Member Development - 2023 Full Member Induction Programme PDF 180 KB
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Members considered the Member Development – 2023 Full Member Induction Programme. The Governance and Audit Committee was responsible for the monitoring of Member Development and, at its meeting on 11 October 2022, resolved to receive an additional report at its January 2023 meeting, in order to consider, and approve, the timetable for the 2023 Full Member Induction Programme.
As detailed in the Member Development Annual Report 2021/2022, Officers had begun preparations for the 2023 Full Member Induction Programme earlier in 2022, using the programme from 2019 as a strong foundation to build from. Where suggestions for improvements or additional sessions had been received, these had been incorporated into the proposals for 2023. The Senior Democratic and Civic Officer informed Members that there had been changes to the timings of sessions in response to feedback, along with an expansion to the subject matters to be considered. This approved version of the timetable was to be in the candidate packs as an early indication of the 2023 Induction Programme.
It was requested that the Committee approved the 2023 Full Member Induction Programme timetable as provided at Appendix 1.
Debate ensued, and Members were appreciative of the report, and highlighted past positive experiences of the induction process. During the debate, Members expressed that the sessions following their elections and re-elections had helped significantly, and there was encouragement for a ‘buddy’ system for newly elected councillors. In a later exchange, Members discussed the timings of the required planning training for Members wishing to sit on the Planning Committee, agreeing with the proposed compromise of separate sessions.
In response to a query about the procedures and standing orders within committees and full council, the Officer explained that there was a session on standing orders that was to run in advance of Annual Council, which was to provide procedural advice on committees. There was to be a further session for Chairmen and Vice Chairmen, that would go into more detail and focus on their specific roles and powers within a meeting.
Having been proposed and seconded, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the 2023 Full Member Induction Programme timetable be approved.