Issue - meetings

Meeting: 12/09/2023 - Prosperous Communities Committee (Item 32)

32 Private Rented Sector Housing - Proposals pdf icon PDF 238 KB

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The committee considered the report of the Director of Change Management, ICT and Regulatory Services which provided an update on the work relating to the Private Rented Sector (PRS) and advised on some of the potential impacts relating to the Renters Reform Bill, which was due to be introduced during 2023/24.


The Housing and Environmental Enforcement Manager presented the report and explained that it aimed to reset the position in relation to the private rented sector following recommendations that were agreed by the Committee in March 2023.


The background to the issue and previous proposals around selective licensing were outlined. It was noted that there were four specific areas relating to selective licensing, targeted enforcement, landlord/tenant support and landlord accreditation that were addressed in the report. The proposals for each area were detailed to Members.


A Member indicated opposition to the introduction of a selective licensing scheme and was of the view that recommendation (a) relating to that should not be supported and indicated he would not be supporting.


With no willingness to propose recommendation a) as written it was proposed and seconded that recommendation a) relating to selective licensing be removed/ withdrawn due to a lack of appetite to progress this work. On being put to the vote the amendment was carried.


Discussion ensued on the remaining recommendations and members welcomed the provision of information sessions for landlords and tenants. It was requested that details of the information to be provided at the sessions, and the finalised dates be made available to Members as well.


Members considered energy efficiency standards and the implications of the cost of living challenge and supported the recommendation with regard to this.


In respect of the proposed allocation of £35k for selective licensing clarification was sought regarding the budget allocations. In response it was explained that by using the £35k some requirement for 2024/2025 could be removed but would need to be put back in the future.


It was acknowledged that there was a significant cost increase since it was previously considered. It was noted that funding was countywide and some Members considered the increase in costs for a survey seemed significant. Clarification was given that the proposed report was more detailed than previously and was able to assess different scenarios. The cost of selective licensing and stock surveys over previous financial years was outlined.


A Councillor, in supporting the Private Sector Housing Renewal Policy, suggested that a definitive timeline should be put on reporting back to Committee, reference recommendation (f)  and suggested early 2024.

Members considered potential changes in legislation and other factors that could impact on the delivery of the Policy.   Members were keen however to see this matter progress sooner rather than later and did not wish to leave the Policy development date open ended. 


It was proposed and seconded that the Policy be bought back to committee at the March 2024 meeting subject to any significant external changes, such as legislation becoming apparent. On being put to the vote  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32