28 Recommendation from the Joint Staff Consultative Committee - Review Lone Working Policy PDF 201 KB
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The report of the Director of Corporate Services, seeking approval of the Lone Working Policy was received having been recommended from the Joint Staff Consultative Committee.
It was noted that the proposed changes were largely technical and were outlined in Appendix 2 to the report. Members were advised that the Council was looking at a lone working app for those staff that may wish to use it.
A councillor indicated that the Policy was very important in helping lone workers deal with difficult situations. It was noted that the council had previously signed up as an Authority to the Local Government Association's Debate not Hate campaign.
A Member suggested the need for ongoing training for staff and members was essential and that members could be kept up to date through the bulletin. Referring to Appendix E of the report which directly offered guidance to Members, it was requested that this be circulated separately and be brought to the attention of all Members. The need to support lone workers was considered paramount.
The recommendations were proposed and seconded and on being put to the vote were carried.
RESOLVED that: -
(a) the recommendation from the Joint Staff Consultative Committee be supported and the policy be approved for immediate adoption; and
(b) delegated authority be granted to the Director of Corporate Services, in consultation with the Chairs of Joint Staff Consultative Committee and Corporate Policy and Resources Committee, to make any future minor housekeeping amendments to the Policy.