16 Close Personal Relationships Policy PDF 34 KB
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The Human Resources Manager presented the report and advised it was new policy for all employees and the main purpose of the policy was to safeguard the organisation and to provide clear guidance for employees. The policy had been through Joint Staff Consultative Committee who had made one recommendation around adding step-families to section 2.1.
Councillors indicated support for the report and recommendations. Having been duly proposed and seconded the recommendations were put to the vote and were carried.
RESOLVED that: -
(a) the recommendation from the Joint Staff Consultative Committee, including the amendment to Section 2.1, be agreed and the policy be approved for immediate adoption; and
(b) delegated authority be granted to the Director Corporate Services in consultation with the Chairs of Joint Staff Consultative Committee and Corporate Policy and Resources Committee to make any future minor housekeeping amendments to the Policy.