Issue - meetings

Meeting: 07/09/2023 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 26)

26 Recommendation from the Joint Staff Consultative Committee - Amendments to JSCC Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 140 KB

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The report of the Monitoring Officer, seeking approval of amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Terms of Reference for the Joint Staff Consultative Committee (JSCC) was considered.


The recommendation was outlined and it was explained the change related to an increase in the staff representation on JSCC, to not more than four employee representatives and six reserve employee representatives, to be made up of equal representation of union appointed and staff elected employee representatives.


Members expressed their support and highlighted the tremendous work the JSCC undertook on behalf of the council. It was noted that the proposal should address issues around meetings not being quorate. The importance of staff representation  and hearing the views of employees was emphasised.


The recommendation was proposed and seconded and on being put to the vote was carried.


          RESOLVED that


following recommendation from JSCC, (section 1.2 paragraph (b) of the Constitution, Rules of Procedure and Terms of Reference) staff representation on the Joint Staff Consultative Committee  be amended as follows:


“(b) not more than four employee representatives and six reserve employee representatives (to be made up of equal representation of union appointed and staff elected employee representatives where possible; should an equal balance not be possible, vacancies may be filled by staff members whether union or non-union).