Issue - meetings

Meeting: 01/08/2023 - Prosperous Communities Committee (Item 21)

21 Delegation of Responsibility for participation in NSIP examinations pdf icon PDF 387 KB

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The Development Management Team Manager introduced the report and explained that it related to administrative processes associated with the examination timetable. The report therefore made recommendations in regard to delegations so that decisions could be made quickly if necessary. It was emphasised that changes were proposed to the previous scheme of delegation agreed in November 2021.


A Member of the Committee asked about the impact on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and the partners involved. It was confirmed that whilst it related to the district, any wider issues would be raised with the Chairman and in that instance, would look at following the same process. Clarification was given that as a group of authorities for the Central Lincolnshire area, all of the nationally significant infrastructure projects were reviewed regularly.


There was some concern raised regarding the tight timetable for the examination process, in recognition of the impact on all involved when meetings needed to be called at short notice to discuss such matters as these. In accepting the preference for the Committee to be the decision maker, the scheme of delegations was supported for those occasions where it simply was not feasible to call a meeting of the Committee.


The recommendations were proposed, seconded and on being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED that the updated Decision and Delegation Protocols, set out at Appendix 1 to the report, for West Lindsey District Council when participating in the examination of a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project, be approved.