Issue - meetings

Meeting: 23/05/2024 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 6)

6 Launch of Customer Experience Strategy pdf icon PDF 235 KB

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Members gave consideration to a report presented by the Customer Strategy and Services Manager, seeking to adopt the Customer Experience Strategy which set out the Council’s ambitions and commitment to provide the best possible experience for all customers, regardless of their means of contact. It was explained that ‘customer experience’ was the sum total of a customer’s perception of their interactions with West Lindsey District Council, whether that be seeing Waste Services Operatives on their weekly collection rounds, calling the main customer services telephone number, or involvement with specific teams such as Housing or Planning.


Members heard that the Customer Experience Strategy proposed the approach to creating the best possible customer experience using the tools and resources currently available and, where relevant, exploring new techniques and technologies. The Customer Experience Strategy would start to change perceptions and experiences, whilst the Digital Strategy focused on condensing the number of different technologies in place which supported the wide variety of services offered, all leading to an easier journey for customers. It was highlighted that the Strategy strove to look at how Council Officers interacted and supported each other across different departments, as by recognising that the front-line services were also customers, it would assist to ensure all interactions were productive and consistent.


The Customer Strategy and Services Manager explained the content of the strategy, as well as highlighting the communications plan and future monitoring methods. It was noted that ongoing monitoring information would be included in the Voice of the Customer report which was shared with Members via the Member Newsletter and presented to the Governance and Audit Committee.


Members of the Committee wholeheartedly supported the strategy and commented that the report highlighted the breadth of services provided by the Council as well as the excellent work undertaken by Officers to ensure a positive customer experience.


Having been proposed and seconded, the Chaiman took the vote and it was unanimously


RESOLVED that the adoption of the Customer Experience Strategy be approved.