Issue - meetings

Meeting: 09/11/2023 - Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (Item 62)

62 Digital ICT Vision pdf icon PDF 764 KB

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Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Change Management, ICT and Regulatory Services which sought approval of the new Digital ICT Vision.


The report provided an executive summary and an overview of the Vision which was a forward looking framework, enabling the Council to benefit from the advances in technology and be open to new opportunities in support of two key corporate plan objectives, under the “Our Council” theme, namely: -


·                   to deliver high quality customer centric services that offer an excellent customer experience; and

·                   to deliver modern and sustainable services that offer quality and access to all.


The Digital Vision had a set of guiding principles, worked with the existing business planning and set a good focus and framework to plan, deliver and respond to the service improvements.


The approach taken was considered to be a very adaptable and measured one with its foundations in the T24 transformation programme. The key focus was very much about it being adaptable, delivering outcomes and ensuring alignment to the corporate plan.


Highlighting the speed at which technology changed, writing a five-year fixed term strategy would almost definitely result in the Strategy being out of date very quickly. Therefore, the Vision presented, provided clear direction whilst providing the ability to utilise the best digital tools available. It was stressed that Officers recognised that digital was only part of the solution and it was really important that the overall model was a blended approach combining traditional routes of interacting with customers but allowing for the use of digital technology where this delivered desired outcomes.


Debate ensued and Members acknowledged there was vagueness to the document but were fully supportive and understanding why this was the case.  Increasing numbers of residents were looking towards a digital service, and a service which operated outside of traditional office hours. Increased connectivity and a vision of this nature where required to enable the Council to function in a changing world.


The phrase architecture was explained to the Committee, with those Members experienced in IT offering their lay person interpretations.


Members were very supportive and welcomed the blended approach, as opposed to residents being made to transact business on-line, which did not suit everyone.


Having been proposed and seconded, on being put to the vote, it was




(a)    the Digital ICT Vision, to provide structure to the delivery of the digital services in the Council be approved; and


(b)    delegated authority be granted to the Director of Change Management, ICT & Regulatory Services, following consultation with the Chairman of the Corporate Policy & Resources Committee to make minor housekeeping amendments to the Digital ICT Vision.