Commercial Opportunity - Operational Services
Additional documents:
Members were made fully aware that monies required to develop the bid would only be recovered if the bid was successful. The Committee were in agreement that the rewards, benefits and future potential opportunities out-weighed the risk of bidding, and Members across the Chamber spoke highly of the Officers and the services delivered in this area.
The rational for the delivery mechanism proposed was fully explained and supported by Members with some commenting this alleviated any concerns they had previously had regarding impact on in house-services.
Finally in response to questions, it was confirmed that it was the contracting organisation who determined the scope for the bid.
Having been proposed and seconded it was unanimously
RESOLVED that: -
(a) Officers be authorised to prepare and submit a competitive bid as detailed in the report;
(b) the proposal to deliver the service via a West Lindsey District Council fully owned arms-length trading company, and to add this company to the existing West Lindsey District Council owned company structure be approved; and
(c) £50,000 from the Invest to Save Reserve be utilised to support the submission of the Bid.