Issue - meetings

Meeting: 26/10/2023 - Prosperous Communities Committee (Item 45)

45 Environment and Sustainability Action Plan Annual Progress Report pdf icon PDF 877 KB

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The Committee considered the Annual Progress Report in relation to the Council’s Environment and Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan.


Councillor Bunney, Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Working Group, introduced the report and referred to the recent flooding events in the district and thanked Officers and Members for their hard work in helping local communities. It was indicated that such situations could become more frequent and therefore it was important that environment and sustainability was at the forefront of Council priorities and that the UK Government's climate emergency declaration had been unanimously supported by councillors.


The background to climate change was outlined and the cross-party work being undertaken on environment and sustainability issues was crucial. This included reducing operational emissions and an 11% decrease had been achieved in the past year. The challenge of the target to make West Lindsey a Net Zero carbon district well before 2050 was highlighted. It was suggested that the initiatives outlined in the documents would help achieve this.


It was explained that funding had been secured to help retrofit homes in the district and grants to help small businesses make their operations greener had been implemented. The adoption of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan was also a significant milestone by setting sustainable construction standards, protecting biodiversity, diversity, flood mitigation and future-proofing energy sources.


The importance of working with communities and educating a wide range of groups on the issues was highlighted. The Committee was advised that a communication strategy was in place and a number of documents were being produced to support the work.


A Member expressed support for the report and recommendations and concurred it was a major priority for the Council particularly with regard to flooding. The aim to achieve net zero before 2050 was also supported. The work of the Working Group was highlighted and it was suggested that all Members should be aware of the issues.


A Councillor referred to the huge amount of work that was being undertaken across the whole region and it was important to share good practice and highlighted the example of a tree being planted for each new home built. It was acknowledged that this could be looked at by the Working Group. The importance of engaging with local community groups in introducing initiatives was emphasised. The Lead Officer highlighted that Lincolnshire County Council had an incredibly ambitious target to plant 500,000 trees across the whole of Lincolnshire.


The Chair summarised the discussion and highlighted the building of eco homes and the long term savings that could be accrued. The role of the Flood and Drainage Working Group was outlined and the support that could be provided to local communities at risk of flooding.


The recommendations in the report were proposed and seconded and on being put to the vote, it was unanimously  


            RESOLVED that


a)    progress against the ten themes identified in the Environment and Sustainability Action Plan be noted; and


b)    the Environment and Sustainability Action Plan for 2024 onwards be approved.